As Time Grows By
Choreographer: Dina Denis
Music Composers and Musicians: Max Pollak & Karl Spicer
As Time Grows By...uses original dance, music and poetry to tell the story of creator and protagonist Dina Denis as she navigates inner and societal conflict and finds meaning, healing and purpose in connections with nature and others.
Dante, Opera and Shining Shoes
Director: Lulu Lolo
Choreographer: Anabella Lenzu
Lulu Lolo brings to life memories of her Italian immigrant grandfather Giovanni Pascale who died before she was born. Through family lore, he was a man of myth to her. Grandpa Giovanni loved opera, the poetry of Dante, and shined shoes for a living.
Dante, Opera and Shining Shoes
Director: Lulu Lolo
Choreographer: Anabella Lenzu
Lulu Lolo brings to life memories of her Italian immigrant grandfather Giovanni Pascale who died before she was born. Through family lore, he was a man of myth to her. Grandpa Giovanni loved opera, the poetry of Dante, and shined shoes for a living.
Table for Two
Choreographer: Rathi Varma
Dancer: Rathi Varma
Table for two talks about my desire for love and companionship met with heartbreaks, disappointments and sometimes the cold New Yorker response. I’m constantly questioning the authenticity of human connection masked behind a virtual persona of someone’s best profile picture and intelligent statements.
Good Friday
Choreographer: Apollonia Holzier
Piano: Frank Glass
This peice was performed as part of the Good Friday celebration at The Church of St Paul and St Andrew. It reflects the prominence of women in the story of Jesus Christ and how he held them in high regard in his teachings and in his life